To accept the Liebster Award Anil of Musings had passed on to me, I had to first answer his list of questions; then pick the bloggers to pass on the award to and also post 11 questions for them to answer. (By the way, Liebster means dearest in German.)
So here we go...
Anil had asked...:
Q Are you proud of your country, if so why and if not why?
A I have a strong affinity; but proud, I am not too sure.
Q What have you given back to the world you live and or what do you intend to give in your life time?
A Grow some trees.
Q Are you afraid of death?
A Not mine; but others yes.
Q If you were to meet God in real life what would you do?
A Hug Him tight and kiss Him on the cheeks.
Q Would you want to make the future not mysterious?
A No.
Q Will you stand up for banning capital punishment, if not why?
A Yes.
Q What would you like to be if given a choice- King, an elected ruler or a fascist?
A Queen :)
Q Would you like to be like somebody? If so why and if not why?
A Not really. I perfectly like being me.
Q Do you think emotions are for weaklings? If not why?
A No. It takes courage to make known the real you.
Q What is in your opinion the reason for the misery in the world?
A Lack of love.
Q If there is another life what would you want to be a, Male or a Female?
A Dog; gender no bar.
And the award goes to...:
- Eye in the Sky
- Windy Skies
- Conversations with Myself
- My Travels; My Life
- Apniboli
- Gigi Hawaii
- Mom with a Dot
Take it away by answering the following questions:
Q How have you been?
Q What is one word that best describes you?
Q Are you in love with life?
Q What is your favorite color?
Q Are you famous?
Q Do you dream?
Q Tell me a joke?
Q What are you upto these days?
Q What is one book you would suggest I read?
Q If we were to run into each other would you smile and wave?
Q Any questions for me?
With that Anil I gladly accept my award! Thank you!
So Queen well , Queen you shall be!
Thanks for reaction.
Smart answers except I did not like the last one.Imagine a 'sori pidiccha' naai istead of high breed in rich houses!!You may change your answer.
Whoops, how ever did I manage to click delete?
Well done on a much deserved award. Also honoured to receive one I really must get around to answering these questions from Anilkurup.
Thank you, Hepzibah.
Eww KP! Now you make me rethink. I would rather be me...
Dear Hepzibah, If 'Liebster' means 'dearest', then no doubt you deserve such an award. Because whatever be the topic of your posts, you have un-waveringly shown one distinct quality - love. Love shines in every singly post of yours; love is in your thoughts. So you are a dear person.
In my many years of blogging, this is the first time somebody has thought of me as worthy of recognition, worthy of an award. And since the thought comes from you, I am sure I deserve it. I would love to answer your queries, but am at a loss to whom I shall pass it on, because my limited circle of blog friends, almost all has received it, either through you or Anil. I will look through your questionnaire and reply some day.
Enough that I am in your thoughts; enough that I am dear to you;
enough that you are my friend!
Thanks once again, Hepzibah!
Don't you want to be born again as your self? a dog? do you think a dog's life is better than your life at present?
Amma: Not that a dog's life is better but that I really like dogs.
Balan Sir: You are very kind. It's okay if you can't pick bloggers to pass it on; but the award is yours!
Firstly, CONGRATS !!! There is so much Thoughtfulness around this award. The name, the recipients and how it is being passed on:) Love it and Thank you for making me part of this :)
Now, to answer the question:
Q How have you been? - Better than I've been before, thank you :)
Q What is one word that best describes you? - Deep.
Q Are you in love with life? - YES!!
Q What is your favorite color? - Keeps changing, seems to be Red these days.
Q Are you famous? - Not half as much as I used to be years ago :( So basically, No.
Q Do you dream? - All the time :)
Q Tell me a joke? - Why was 6 afraid of 7?? Because 7 8 9 :D :D !!
Q What are you upto these days? - Doing a LOT of groundwork.
Q What is one book you would suggest I read? - The Mahabharata. For its plots, sub plots, intertwining of sub plots into the main plot, character analysis, to name a few reasons.
Q If we were to run into each other would you smile and wave? No, That would be when we part. When we meet, It would be a hug :) No kidding.
Q Any questions for me? - Yes, have you done something for yourself - just yourself, today?
Have a great week ahead :)! Now....off to go get my award Heh! heh!
Ooh, that was a scary joke Mom with a Dot.
Great answers.
Thank you for the hug! :)
Q How have you been?
Could have been better.
Q What is one word that best describes you?
Q Are you in love with life?
No point in hating it.
Q What is your favorite color?
It had been Green always but I am partial to Mauve.
Q Are you famous?
If you google my name, it comes up within the first ten. Does that make me 'famous'? :-)
Q Do you dream?
That's what I am at the best!
Q Tell me a joke?
I can change the world overnight - why I don't is because I can't change myself!
Q What are you upto these days?
Putting an end to survival and starting to LIVE!
Q What is one book you would suggest I read?
The book of LIFE...
Frankly, when one is asked to suggest ONE book to read, one has to look both at the prospective reader and the right book for the person. For you, H, I would suggest 'The Secret Garden', by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Q If we were to run into each other would you smile and wave?
I will walk up to you, grin, look into your eyes and hold your hands!
Q Any questions for me?
Given a choice of only company for the rest of your life, between a human and a dog, which would you choose?
Interesting answers Balan Sir! Thank you.
Secret Garden is a great pick - I have truly enjoyed it - especially the conversations between the little girl, the gardener and the bird! I am truly surprised you suggested the same. Surely you know me some!
Now to answer your question, if I could only pick one to spend the rest of my life with between a person and a dog, it all depends on who that person is and for that matter who the dog is.
I know it's a lame answer, but can't think of a better one...
Glad to read on Anilkurup's site that you are back in the wonderful world of blogging.
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