The at-average height, the scar on the forehead, the hiding grey hairs, the no-make-up face - none of these have ever bothered me. Never! I have always felt my best. What is the problem with that? Well, the problem is that I have failed to appreciate any makeups.
Not that I have never tried. But every single time I had felt uneasy staring back at a total stranger in the mirror who would have no resemblance to me. I had quietly settled for some pressed powder and lip gloss.
However it doesn't seem to fit in with the New York culture where almost every one of them is perfectly made up. The hair so perfect - smooth, curled or waved, eyes lined and shaded, face painted skin tone, lips carefully rounded, nails neatly filed, making the poor me looking all so plain all of a sudden. :(
An ad poster on the Subway reads: "New York city tolerant of your faith but judgemental of your shoes". It says it all!
So, here I am with an appointment at the local cosmetics store for this weekend where they are to match my skin tone and suggest the best suitable products for me. Hope I don't get too carried away. Will let you know how it goes.
I wish and hope I can still stay the same - beautiful! Please wish me luck!
All the best dear. Beautiful you will always be, because it is the confidence and personality that matters. :)
A confident look is certainly vast better than a load of cosmetics.
I beleive that everyone is beautiful, those who dont think that way probably dont have the eyes to look at something beautiful ..
You have a great weekend and YES go and pamper yourself .. one should always do it after all ME comes first always ..
take care
absolutely you are beautiful. Don't go overboard with the spending.
The nurses and doctors in hospitals around the world usually wear no makeup. I think it would be jarring if they did. Good health need not be hidden by cosmetics.
Good Luck !!
I like that frame of mind - that everything and everyone are beautiful. :)
I am not beautiful. I am handsome :)) Hahaha !!!
Beauty is inside but exterior looks give you confidence to demonstrate internal beauty.
best wishes friend...u r such a nice person..what more can add to that beauty...cheers:)
Very well-said!
I feel a bit of make up does help whether plain or beautiful.A slight touch up,lip balm,threading the brows filing the nails and any other thin that suits the face do enhance the looks and the confidence levels
You are beautiful, both on the inside and outside. And remember half of the images we see in these magazines etc are airbrushed and not a true reflection on how these people really look.
would really love to hear how it went. I am the only one among female species in my work place who wear no makeup and my friends threatened many times of tying me up and making up my face and hair..
I dont even know to use an eyeliner. The only thing I am comfortable is a dab of lip gloss and lipstick...
If your result is positive, I will be tempted to try it...send a snap please...
But Queen more than all those paints on the face, I will any day like your unpainted heart...
Your are beautiful to me
Stop by to say hello. Where have you been
hey thanks ya
Lovely post.... waiting for how the pampering session went.. it will dig a hole in the pocket though.. :)
Hi dear,
First time at your blog and I am happy I stopped by!
Looking perfect and beautiful makes one confident! :)
Good luck!
All the best!!
Thank you all! The make up session did go well and I took the bait and bought some basic supplies such as cleanser, toner, day and night creams and foundation.
No I did not go all the way with eye make up and stuff. This way I don't feel too made up and it sure makes me look and stay fresher the whole day.
For every girl out there, I recommend a beauty session with your local cosmetics store who can answer your questions and help you try on free samples before you decide to buy.
Good luck with it!
I always believe that beauty is what is inside..outside hardly matters..
Why Me Beautiful is so slow?
I’m a kind of you; never take care for makeup and I even don’t wear face powder.
All the best and I hope you are always beautiful – without makeup :)
I can imagine how you must feel. Did the same thing a few weeks ago with my hair. Took it from 18" long to 8" long... I know ...:( LOL!
I don't care much for dress and make up either.... as long as i'm neat and well turned out, i'm happy :)
But yes, I do get a pseudo-complex looking at the impeccably dressed ladies you see in NYC, Paris, London and the like...!
Do stop by my blog sometime :) ..... M * U * S * I * N * G * S
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