Mom's laughter is hearty and loud with a wide spread invitation for others to join. She laughs with eyes closed, hands clapping, head rocking, it is a sight to see. Chithiema (my Aunt) can't resist laughing to Mom's elaborations on funny incidents or even regular happenings. Chithiema mostly laughs covering her mouth with her fingers. I love to make her laugh which lightens me too.
I roll laughing; literally! So, it is best to keep a distance from me when I get going 'ha ha ha ha ha ha...' Israel on the other hand laughs in reserved installments of 'ha ha' and 'he he' and then pauses thinking it over a smile and then goes again 'ha ha' and 'he he'.
I hear a friend of mine laugh and almost always I can visualize clucking chicken that peck on scattered grain, it goes: 'ke ke kkke keke...' Some immediately remind me of Santa Claus with their 'ho ho ho' roaring; while others can remind us of snakes with their laughter going: 'hisssss sisssss sssss...'
It sure is fun listening to laughter that sounds like a sore throated goat: 'nge nge ngeeee...' or why not even a regular goat 'mmhhee...' (no I haven't heard that one, have you?) Then those laughter that ends in a coughing fit like 'kokkum hokkum kok kokkum hokkoum...'
Even the most reserved can't resist laughing though it comes out somewhat suppressed with simply a shaking of their shoulders and nodding of their heads and a wider than normal smile from ear to ear and a bleak attempt at 'hmm hmmm hh'. Trust me, that is fun to watch as well as it makes you feel better that you could amuse them somehow.
Best of all is a mixture of all or some of the above, starting with hissing and ending in coughing via some clucking. Right, I am a little too much. No, not an attempt to make fun. Only an up-close look at life, I mean laughter!
Laughter they say is the bet medicine.. I like ot laugh and keep smiling
thats how one shud live there life ..
All the best and heres wishing that you have plenty to laugh and smile about for :) take care and have a great weekend ...
A very funny post..U impossibly imitated all those laughters through words..In my network also, my laughter is noticed because it lacks control sometimes..
When I read the title I got the impression that it is a serious post. But turns out be a laughing post. Good job..keep laughing. I do not laugh that much though
Thank you Bikramjit, Tomz & Amrit! Appreciate your comments. Makes my day! What will I do without you guys... :)
When you explained the various types of laughter, the images of many of my friends and relatives came before my mind's eye.
But tell me whether you have come across those who come up with affected smiles loudly even when they are not amused by what you have said or done?
@KP! Good point. Yes, sometimes. I must admit, occassionally I have faked it out too...
sometimes we laugh till we end with tears.
Hepsibai aunty is like that. Vijaya aunty told me once that when her husband laughs he used to slap her in the back. last week when we went out for a picnic, subbulakshmi aunty told us that she has forgotten to laugh and after a long time she was laughing with us. What made us hilarious were the stories about Newton, Edision and other scientists and how their spouses would have endured these people who were always involved in their innovations etc etc. This led us to talk about how mrs sunbbulakshmi and her guide were just looking silently at the ceiling for about half an hour in our staff room, perhaps waiting for a solution to a problem to come from the ceiling. and this led to talks about the life styles of certain guides. we had a wonderful time laughing.
Sometimes I too feel that the laughter has gone. But thank God it comes back . Even now I am smiling wide.
I recently saw an ad that states that laughing too much can cause heart attack! I laugh generally while watching comedy films that too in the theatre. Its not that embarrassing, considering the fact that all four of us fall under the same category! :)
I agree with KP sir, I could visualize as I was reading who fits into what sort of laughter.. nice one..
Thank you for sharing Amma. I can imagine you all laughing and roaring and rocking the picnic!
I am so glad you are surrounded by such good friends Amma!
Jyoti! Now you make me nervous with that news tidbit because I laugh all the time... :)
Thank you Adithyasaravana! Isn't that funny how we can categorize laughter already?!
It is nice to be around smiling faces and hearty laughter. It makes the journey of life easier, I believe. Keep spreading cheer.
wohooo...now thtz an entire post on the different types of laugh... never noticed any1 that closely, but now tht i read it i hop to c a variety of laughs in btween i never noted how i laugh... well i'll do tht next tym..cheerss
Gud Nt
Nice Post Nri....
and yes, we must not miss any opportunity of laughing, after all it heals our wounds....
Blessed are those who can laugh... and laugh at oneself in the first place :)
abs agree with deeps
Well,if life is not a laughing matter,make it so.
I remember "Reader Digest" used to run a column'Laughter the best medicine'.
Only people with severe heart disease can die of violent laughter.For the rest,it is supposed to increase your life span.
My RA this year, when she laughs it's almost like a dry cough but sounds like a goose. It's the best thing ever.
-Rebecca Cruz
Ha. Ha ha…Best.. ho ho.. Best kekkek.. Entertaining hee heeheee post of the year… kokum.. kokhum… kochum… hih.. hih. Hih…. Hmmmmm.. Goood :)!
Bawa! You are hilarious! BTW, Swaminathan and family visited us and have left for NYC this morning...
When are you planning?
Hilarious :)I love to laugh ,i mean real molars to molars laugh not giggles .
keep laughing like this ....ha ha ha ...hih...hi...hi
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