Happy June everyone! Hard to believe we are at the close of a half year mark shortly. Time sure flies. A quick note to wish you all a great summer 2011!
Just as folks in India are wrapping up with their summer vacation we in the western hemisphere are awaiting start of our summer break. Schools are planned to close by mid June if not earlier.
Children are excited and counting down days to Grandma's visit. And we the working moms and dads are happy too as the commute will be faster now without the school buses.
No big travel plans however we have a few weddings to look forward to this summer. Will soon be busy with planning bridal shower, shopping and catching up with neighbors after our prolonged hibernation. Of course, Flat Stanley will be of huge help with all that.
Fishing might be our No. 1 outdoor activity as in the past years. Though I don't get a fair share at casting, I get equally excited about each catch. Couple of years ago we went ocean fishing with the big guys in the Atlantic and jumped with joy as they reeled in their dinner of 40 - 60 lbs each while we got a star fish and a big snail which we promptly released back into the ocean. With the costs at $50 per head for the six hour trip it is not an activity we can involve in every other weekend. Israel will be glad if he can go by himself but we all cling on to him saying we will wait at the shore while he goes to the sea, and his loving heart can't accept that.
So, mostly we remain happy and contended at home. Especially with the new hammock in the shade and Israel's grilling adventure I can assure you there is no place like home! We enjoy hosting as much as possible inviting the dear and near and the far off ones too. So, if any of you is visiting New Jersey this summer, we will be glad to catch up with you! Please let us know at nrigirl@hotmail.com
Kids will be signing up for tennis, golf and if possible swimming at the local lakes. Oh, that reminds me, we are begging and pleading Israel for a swimming pool this summer, saying all sorts of things like public pools are not hygienic, swimming is a good exercise, it will be such fun for kids etc. So far, I do not see any signs. Will keep you posted if things change.
My main priority this summer is to get fit. Right, it has been my priority for the last several summers but I hope this year will be different. I am skipping coffee for the starters. Joshua, my seven year old is my physical trainer and he is good at it making me do some jogging, dancing, hoola hooping and strength training for 30 minutes everyday - on the Wii. Only downside is, for motivation he keeps a chilled glass of rasna or similar drink which is very sweet. I joke that with that kind of motivation I am going to stay right where I am at even after weeks of hard work. So now he is contemplating plain water. Let's see.
I hope to be in touch often but in case I get too carried away by different activities around summer, you know my thoughts are with you... Enjoy the summer! If you ever wonder where I disappeared, I might have gone fishing...
Keeping busy
2 years ago
Yes. We are almost at the middle of the year. We went to beach and to see play at Outer Banks on the coast during memorial day weekend.
Planning a trip to Europe this year instead of India in July. In the 2nd week of August plan to come Hershey park.
Great to hear that @A! Looking forward to meet you and your family.
Have a great vacation NRIGirl. As you rightly pointed out, we are done with our vacation and have piled on a few kilos due to hectic vacationing :). So, looking forward to get back to fitness, work and sanity now :).
a day already gone in June ...
half the year ..
Have done nothing so far in the year worht metnioning.. But got exicitng things planned for july-august and september .. Lets hope they materialise ..
Will keep informed :) he he he
Beautiful writing in a light hearted way laced with humour.Brought smile to my face.Thanks
Fishing is a great hobby. Good to relieve stress.It keeps your mind away from the rest of the world and its problems.
We used to go fishing at the sea side almost regularly during weekends.A couple of cans of beer and lots of friends..fish..they used to laugh at us!
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